Posted by: IceSchool-Fullordinsfraedslan & Icetrans | March 26, 2016

Starting Dates of Scheduled courses 2023



17/7, 31/7, 14/8, 4/9, 18/9, 27/10, 18/10, 30/10, 12/11, 27/11.

Only 1-4  students per course/group – Aðeins 1-4 nemendur í hverjum hóp/námskeiði!

Also Special Icelandic for Thais, Vietnamese and Chinese. Sérnámskeið:

Íslenska f. Tælendinga, Víetnama og Kínverja.

Also Special courses for Health Personnel.

Einnig Sérnámskeið fyrir Heibrigðisstarfsfólk/Enska fyrir Leiðsögumenn

Icelandic for Guides.

* 4 weeks x 5 workdays  AM & PM/f.h&e.h    or/eða

* 10 weeks/vikur x Sat/Sun/lau/sun. AM & PM/f.h&e.h.

Price/Verð: 49.500 – Courses: Mornings/Afternoons/Evening All Year

Labour Unions pay back/refund  50-90 % of course price.

Stéttarfélög endurgreiða 50-90% námsgjalds.


IceSchool-Fullorðinsfræðslan ehf.

Street Address: Ármúli 5. 108,

Ph/s. 354- 8981175 / 354- 5571155.

Course fee/price 11 July 2023  is ISK 49.500,- around: EUR 360 USD 410 –
can be paid into the Icelandic account: 115-26-9560 kt/ID No. 680109-0360 Fullorðinsfraedslan-IceSch ehf.

Or: Payments from abroad: SWIFT: NBIIISRE – Bank Account: IBAN IS89011526009560 6801090360

Private lessons are kr 6.900,- per 80 minutes.

E-mail: –
All courses are normally 4 weeks x 5 days per week and around 80 minutes per day. The number of students in every course is only from 1-4.

Our main courses are in Icelandic, English, Norwegian, Swedish and Danish for foreigners and Icelanders. 

These are our most popular courses going on non-stop all year.

FURTHER  INFORMATION for course dates is for the time being is easiest to get by phone 354-8981175 or e-mail as some changes are being done on the premises of the school in the year 2023. There are still courses all year and courses are starting at least every 4 weeks all year. During the changes of our premises, we have only 1-4 students in every class.   We offer multiple classes for foreigners and settlers in Icelandic, along with classes in English and Norwegian, Swedish and Danish for Immigrants and foreigners and special courses in English for foreigners and English for Absolute Beginners.

Depending on demand we have general courses from time to time in Norwegian, Swedish and Danish levels I, II and III as well as specialized courses in the same languages for Medical Staff as well as Icelandic for Medical Staff, nurses, nurse assistants and physicians/medical doctors. See also Course Schedules section.

Posted by: IceSchool-Fullordinsfraedslan & Icetrans | June 20, 2012

Minor Name Change

As of June, 2012, the school will go by the name Fullordinsfraedslan-IceSchool ehf. Until this point the school has gone by the Icelandic name Fullordinsfraedslan (Adult Educational Institute) since its start in 1989 and from 1996 also School of Icelandic, for the department for the non-stop courses all year in Icelandic for foreigners, but from now on we will generally use Fullordinsfraedslan-IceSchool ehf for our main subjects but IceSchool or the abreviation FF-IceSchool for students in Icelandic for Foreigners and Settlers and other courses for foreigners.   We will continue to use the name IceTrans for our translation services.

Posted by: IceSchool-Fullordinsfraedslan & Icetrans | June 18, 2012

New and Updated Web Site

We have now made a new and updated web page  and promise to be more active in updating the page with new and relevant information and course schedules continuously. We are convinced this will make it  much easier fore students and parents and relatives to students to find the information they need.
